Successful quitters have support
Having a support network is crucial when you’re trying to quit.
Friends and family are important, but even more helpful can be people who are also quitting, or have successfully done so. About 40 percent of smokers who quit say support from others mattered a lot in their success. So, find a local support group and not only help yourself, but find strength in helping others.
Successful quitters use nicotine withdrawal aids
Products like Nicotine Gum, Lozenges, Inhalers, Nasal Spray and Patches have been shown to be highly effective in gradually reducing cravings.
In fact, when as used as directed, products like these can double your chances of quitting successfully vs willpower alone. When used as instructed, these products also give you smaller and smaller doses of nicotine over time, so you more easily fight through withdrawal and help control your cravings.
Successful quitters get creative
Alternative methods for addressing your mental and physical health can be very helpful. For example:
Hypnosis is a state of deep concentration that helps to reduce the desire to smoke. Meditation helps to relax the body and mind, increase focus and boost energy levels. Even adopting a new hobby can fill your time positively while taking your mind off of cigarettes. Get creative and adapt to what fits you.
Successful quitters establish a comprehensive plan
When you have a plan, you’re more likely to stay focused on your goal.
First, establish clear reasons as to why. For example, are you working towards a future goal such as running in a marathon? Has a health issue emerged? Getting into a daily routine of writing down your reasons why helps to emotionally reaffirm them. Also, write down what your triggers are and your solutions to avoid them. Do you associate smoking cigarettes with certain actions, like having coffee? Plan ahead and try to break your old routines. Finally, don’t forget to reward yourself. Treat yourself to a piece of dark chocolate or some of your favourite fruit, if you’ve gone all day without a cigarette.
Find out how ex-smoker Monya used post it notes to help her quit.