Don’t let quitting
put you on edge.

How to manage anxiety.

When you quit it’s normal to feel anxious. Studies have found anxiety is one of the most common negative feelings associated with quitting. Chewing Nicotinell gum is proven to help you cope with the anxiety from nicotine withdrawal.

Five ways to reduce anxiety when quitting


Focus on yourself. Try to stay in the here and now. Don’t worry about what’s coming around the corner. Instead, focus on what you need to do to get through the day without a cigarette.


Start relaxing. There are many ways to help your body manage anxiety. Remind yourself that anxiety will pass with time. A massage or some simple breathing exercises can help reduce the tightness in your muscles and relax your mind.


Turn to your friends. Reach out to friends or family when you’re beginning to feel stressed. This kind of social support can make a big difference.


Get moving. Exercise boosts chemicals in the brain that make you feel good. In turn, this helps ease anxiety. Find an activity you enjoy, such as swimming or dancing, and do it regularly.


Distract yourself with activities. Doing things you enjoy, such as games, physical activities, and hobbies, is the easiest way to alleviate stress.

How successful quitters
relieve anxiety.

After quitting, everyone has different ways of dealing with anxiety. Click through the gallery to see what kinds of activities other ex-smokers have found helpful.

Wearing the Nicotinelll patch helps you cope with anxiety all day.

A steady dose of nicotine will give you the strength to overcome the anxiety that comes with quitting.