Give yourself a pep talk
Being mentally prepared before setting foot in a bar is important – the environment itself can be a cravings trigger. Before leaving the house or in the car, say aloud, “I’m a former smoker.” Or try, “I don’t smoke. I’m healthier and happier without cigarettes.” The main point is to remind yourself that you’re a former smoker and that you don’t need to light up anymore.
Get in the game
Don’t put off going out for a drink. Everything you did as a smoker, you can do as a former smoker. Holding off too long from social drinking after quitting can create a sense of intimidation. Plus, socialising with friends is an important part of your life. The sooner you teach yourself how to enjoy a drink or two without a cigarette, the sooner you’ll feel like your life is back to normal.
Stop after one drink
When you go out for a drink, limit yourself. Doing this allows you to prove to yourself that you can drink without smoking.
Hang out with non-smokers
Make plans with non-smokers and friends who support your quit. Who you choose to hang out with can help support your ex-smoking status. Slip-ups can occur when quitters are in the company of other smokers who may not be aware of how to support their quit attempt.
Bring your quit buddy
When going to a party or bar, ask a quit buddy to join you. A quit buddy is someone who supports your quit. This can be a friend or family member. Should you encounter old smoking friends who ask you to join them, make sure they are aware of your situation so they can be respectful. Not only that, you’ll also have your quit buddy to hang out with.
Host a smoke-free social
Take the initiative and invite friends over to your place. You can celebrate your smoke-free success with them. You’ll be able to control what is served which can help stop those triggers and completely avoid cigarettes in your smoke-free home.
Want more ideas? Hear some that were successful for Chris.